יחידה:ParamValidator: הבדלים בין גרסאות בדף

תוכן שנמחק תוכן שנוסף
מ תקלדה
ניסיון לחסוך הכללות
שורה 96:
local util = require( 'Module:Utility' ){
empty = function( s )
return s == nil or type( s ) == 'string' and mw.text.trim( s ) == ''
extract_options = function ( frame, optionsPrefix )
optionsPrefix = optionsPrefix or 'options'
local options, n, more = {}
if frame.args['module_options'] then
local module_options = mw.loadData( frame.args['module_options'] )
if type( module_options ) ~= 'table' then return {} end
local title = frame:getTitle()
options = module_options[ title.namespace ] or module_options[ title.nsText ] or {}
if not next( options ) then return options end
ok, more = pcall( mw.text.jsonDecode, frame.args[optionsPrefix .. ( n or '' )] )
if ok and type( more ) == 'table' then
for k, v in pairs( more ) do options[k] = v end
n = ( n or 0 ) + 1
until not ok
return options
build_namelist = function ( template_name, sp )
local res = { template_name }
if sp then
if type( sp ) == 'string' then sp = { sp } end
for _, p in ipairs( sp ) do table.insert( res, template_name .. '/' .. p ) end
return res
local function _readTemplateData( templateName )
local title = mw.title.makeTitle( 0, templateName )
local templateContent = title and title.exists and title:getContent() -- template's raw content
local capture = templateContent and mw.ustring.match( templateContent, '<templatedata%s*>(.*)</templatedata%s*>' ) -- templatedata as text
-- capture = capture and mw.ustring.gsub( capture, '"(%d+)"', tonumber ) -- convert "1": {} to 1: {}. frame.args uses numerical indexes for order-based params.
if capture then return pcall( mw.text.jsonDecode, capture ) end
return false
local function readTemplateData( templateName )
if type( templateName ) == 'string' then
templateName = { templateName, templateName .. '/' .. docSubPage }
if type( templateName ) == "table" then
for _, name in ipairs( templateName ) do
local td, result = _readTemplateData( name )
if td then return result end
return nil
-- this is the function to be called by other modules. it expects the frame, and then an optional list of subpages, e.g. { "Documentation" }.
שורה 114 ⟵ 175:
local t_args, template_name = t_frame.args, t_frame:getTitle()
local td_source = util.build_namelist( template_name, subpages )
local templatedata = require( 'Module:ReadTd' ).ReadTemplateData( td_source )
local td_params = templatedata and templatedata.params
local all_aliases = {}